Understanding Ethereum Smart Contract Audits

Ethereum is the most popular blockchain for building smart contracts. These contracts need to be audited by professionals to help them stay secure, reliable, and compliant with industry standards.

Pessimistic provides extensive auditing services to Ethereum smart contract developers.

Benefits of Performing Ethereum
Smart Contract Audits

Preventing Financial Loss

An Ethereum smart contract security audit helps prevent hackers from exploiting bugs to steal user funds. Professionals examine the contract’s code to identify potential vulnerabilities and provide suggestions on fixing them, preventing malicious actors from taking advantage of such vulnerabilities.

Enhancing Code Efficiency

Auditing isn’t only about identifying security risks. It also involves examining your code to identify ways to improve its performance. An Ethereum smart contract audit helps your contract’s code become more efficient at delivering its intended functionality.

Establishing Confidence

A professional audit establishes trust in your blockchain project. Users will be assured that professionals have audited the code they’re interacting with to help it stay secure and reliable. Exchanges and other blockchain-related third parties will be more willing to work with you because of the audit. In fact, many blockchain platforms demand audits before integrating with your smart contract.

Our Ethereum Smart Contract Audit Process

Introduction and Communication

First, we explain the process of our smart contract auditing to the customer. We prepare an Ethereum audit report detailing the concepts and importance of our audits to your blockchain project.

Vulnerabilities Check

Here, our team conducts an extensive Ethereum security audit, diving deep into your contract’s code to identify errors and vulnerabilities based on our experience and knowledge. We immediately notify you of any vulnerability we find and provide recommendations on fixing it.

Smart Contract Fuzzing

An automated technique for testing your smart contracts by feeding it invalid, unexpected, or random data as inputs. This technique helps detect any unexpected or invalid behavior with the smart contract.

Post Refactor Reaudits

We conduct follow-up audits after code changes or refactorings to ensure the Ethereum smart contract remains secure, reliable, and compliant with industry standards.

Security Test Cases

We test your smart contract under different scenarios to assess its safety and reliability.

Quick Turnaround Time

We’re committed to delivering audits within the shortest time frame possible for customers. You can rely on Pessimistic for speedy, excellent work. Find out more about our auditing process via this link.

Ensure the security of your smart contracts with Pessimistic expertise

Benefits of Choosing Pessimistic
for Ethereum Smart Contract Audits

Precise Auditing

Our experts dive deep into your code to identify vulnerabilities and provide recommendations on fixing the ones we identify. Our team is skilled and experienced in examining smart contracts to help fix bugs and optimize code for better performance.


We devote 90% of our time to manually reviewing your codebase. We audit 200 lines of code daily and can put your project on a priority track to speed up the audit if needed.

Long-Term Support

We provide long-term customer support on a subscription basis, helping customers’ projects stay secure and compliant with industry standards for as long as possible.

What Projects Need a Blockchain Protocol Audit?

Trusted By

Feedback from our clients


Our collaboration with Pessimistic since 2017 has been marked by a level of professionalism that’s hard to come by. Their work, especially in auditing our DeFi SDK smart contracts, consistently exceeds expectations and aligns closely with our business objectives. Their suggested solutions are not just effective but also tailored to our long-term goals.

Evgeny Yurtaev
CEO & co-founder at Zerion

Working with Pessimistic is seamless and enjoyable. Clear communication, timely deliverables, and unquestionable expertise. Highly recommended.

Mikhail Melnik
Lead Blockchain Developer at 1inch

We've had the pleasure of working with Pessimistic since 2021, and their integrity and consistency have truly impressed us.

Not only do they deliver on their promises, but they also maintain a high standard of work throughout the project.

It's a partnership we value and continue to interact with on a regular basis.

Dan Kaizer
Azuro Core-Contributor

Audit companies space can be pretty wild - there are loud names that provide sub-par services and there are ones that take ages to finalize the reports (delaying the product launch!)

After running through an extended search quest, we made the right decision to go with Pessimistic. Quality, responsiveness, vibe - everything was great. 

They walk an extra mile to make you confident everything is going to work as it should!

Ivan Kozlov
Resolv Labs Co-founder

explore OUR successful blockchain protocol audits with positive reviews from our clients

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Our Professionals

These are our distinguished experts in blockchain technology and security
Senior Security Engineer
Security Engineer
Senior Security Engineer
Security Engineer
Operations Lead
We’re also skilled enough to teach the new generation of professional auditors that’ll help blockchain protocols operate securely and efficiently.
Our Junior program instils valuable auditing skills in interested learners.


A smart contract audit is the process of examining your contract’s code to identify vulnerabilities and optimization opportunities. An Ethereum contract audit is important because it prevents you from releasing bug-ridden contracts hackers can take advantage of. It also helps improve the performance and efficiency of your smart contract.

Any decentralized application built on the Ethereum mainnet blockchain needs an audit before public release. The audit involves experts examining the codebase to find bugs and any issues hampering the contract’s functionality. Without an audit, you might release error-ridden contracts that hackers exploit for malicious activities.

You should consider an Ethereum smart contract audit before releasing your blockchain project to the public. Once the project is publicly released, the source code becomes open source, and hackers can examine it to find and exploit bugs. Hence, you need an extensive audit before the project’s initial release.

Also, consider an audit each time you make major changes to your smart contract’s code. A subsequent audit checks for any errors that might have been introduced with the new code changes.

Pessimistic audits contracts hosted on the Ethereum blockchain or any other Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible blockchain. Our EVM smart contract audit helps identify and provides recommendations to fix security vulnerabilities. An EVM security audit is critical to your smart contract development.

Keep your contracts as simple as possible, with clear rules for user interaction. Complexity increases the chances of introducing vulnerabilities, so you should avoid it as much as possible.

Use modifiers carefully to avoid disrupting your smart contract’s interaction pattern. Round integer divisions to the nearest integer to avoid introducing mathematical bugs hackers can take advantage of.

The timing for an Ethereum smart contract audit mainly depends on the volume and complexity of the code. An audit can take anywhere from a few days for a simple project to a few weeks for a larger project. If you want an urgent audit, we can move your project to the priority track and handle it as quickly as possible. We audit 200 lines of code daily and assign at least 2 experts to your project.

The cost of an Ethereum smart contract audit depends on the size and complexity of the contract’s code base. The larger the codebase, the higher the time it takes to examine it for vulnerabilities and optimization opportunities. Similarly, the more complex the codebase, the more time it takes to audit it for errors and provide recommendations to fix them.

Our simple formula for estimating auditing costs is Number of lines of code / 200 *1.5 * the cost of one working day for the team. Our estimate is usually accurate and doesn’t deviate from the final cost by more than 10%. You can check out our Estimation Process for more information on auditing costs.

Theoretically, you can conduct a smart contract audit by yourself, but it’s not advisable because you might ignore major errors if you lack auditing experience and knowledge. The best option is to hand over the task to a professional auditing firm with blockchain security experts to review your codebase to identify bugs.

The report contains our findings when auditing your smart contract; it details every issue we identified and the recommendations to fix it where applicable. It also details your code updates to fix those errors, spurring users’ trust in your Ethereum-based project.

The best way to ensure compliance and adherence to industry standards is to get your smart contract audited by professionals. An audit reviews your contract’s code base to ensure it complies with industry security standards.

We offer post-audit support to help your smart contract remain secure and reliable. Our Spotter monitoring system detects and thwarts exploits before they affect your project. We can also conduct further audits each time you make major changes to your codebase.

It’s advisable to audit your contract every time you make significant changes to its code. Frequent audits help detect new errors that might have been introduced from such code updates. It’s also wise to audit contracts at least once a year to detect new bugs in the rapidly evolving blockchain sector.

You can fill out our form and provide relevant information about your audit. Once you submit the form, we’ll contact you with a quote for your audit as soon as possible.

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