Smart Contract Audit

We’re your trusted partner to help keep your smart contract secure and compliant with industry standards.

Benefits of Smart Contract Audits

Preventing Potential Vulnerabilities

A smart contract security audit involves examining the contract’s code to identify potential vulnerabilities hackers could exploit, e.g., access control errors, faulty calculations, etc.

Audits let you identify and fix security vulnerabilities before deploying your contract to the public. Otherwise, you might release an insecure contract and lose user funds to hackers.

Compliance Assurance

Users often check for audits before interacting with any smart contract. Exchanges and crypto platforms also require audits for listing tokens and integrating with your smart contract. Smart contracts have security risks, so these demands are understandable.

A smart contract audit helps you comply with standards from users and partners and increase your user base. Without an audit, your blockchain project can hardly go anywhere.

Protection of Assets

Security is paramount for any smart contract that facilitates blockchain transactions. A hacker could exploit any little error to steal funds, devastating the entire project. Hence, you need a smart contract audit to identify and fix potential security bugs before deploying your contract to the public.

Smart contract audits protect your users’ assets, earning their trust and helping your project progress.

Long-Term Sustainability

A smart contract audit is vital to the long-term success of your blockchain project. It is the linchpin of your project, protecting users’ funds, earning their trust, and building a reputation in the competitive blockchain industry.

Your blockchain project needs regular audits to stay safe and successful in the long term. Regular audits keep your blockchain project competitive and productive for as long as possible.

Why Choose Pessimistic?

Precise Auditing

We audit your smart contract with high standards. Our experts dive deep into the codebase to examine and identify vulnerabilities based on their knowledge and past experience. We examine your code both manually and using automated techniques to ensure we don’t overlook any issues. Our review is primarily manual, with minor automation to aid the process. We have performed over 400 security audits, giving our team sufficient experience to pinpoint vulnerabilities and provide recommendations to fix them.

Efficiency and Flexibility

Pessimistic delivers first-rate auditing services to clients. Our processes are so efficient that we devote 90% of our time to reviewing the codebase and cutting down on complementary activities that don’t add much value. We provide next-day proposals to clients and speedy auditing services. Our audits typically last from a week to a month, but if you’re on a tight schedule, we can move your project to a priority track and start working within a week of your inquiry. to our efficient auditing processes, we reduce delivery time and provide reliable support to our clients

Rich Reporting

We create detailed audit reports showing any vulnerabilities we identified, the suggested fixes, and validating your code changes to implement our recommendations. We dutifully explain any issue we identify in your codebase, its implications, and why it should be fixed. After making the suggested changes, we provide a detailed report certifying that your smart contract was extensively audited.

Ensure the security of your smart contracts with Pessimistic expertise

Process of Performing Smart Contract Audits

Code review and analysis

The first step is to finalize your codebase so that we can conduct our review. We study your codebase to understand its mechanisms and uniqueness. We receive technical documentation from you to help us understand your codebase better.

Vulnerability assessment and prioritization

Here, our experts dive deeper into your codebase, examining it for security flaws and bugs. Our audits are primarily manual, with seasoned experts looking at critical parts of your codebase to identify vulnerabilities hackers could exploit. If we identify vulnerabilities, we immediately let you know and help you prioritize the ones to fix. Our team audits around 200 lines of code daily.

Remediation and validation

We don’t only identify vulnerabilities. We also provide recommendations to help you fix the vulnerabilities we find. Our duty is to examine your codebase, identify flaws, and guide you on fixing them. We wait for the client to update their codebase according to our recommendations. Afterwards, we validate these changes to certify that the smart contract is free from the vulnerabilities we found earlier. Our smart contract security audit process involves providing help at every step.

Final approval and certification

After validating the code changes, we provide final approval and certify that your smart contract has been audited. We provide a public smart contract audit report documenting any vulnerabilities we found, our suggested fixes, and your code changes to fix the vulnerabilities. You can showcase this report on your website, proving that your smart contract has been extensively tested and audited. Follow this link to learn more about our smart contract audit process.

Trusted By

Feedback from our clients


Our collaboration with Pessimistic since 2017 has been marked by a level of professionalism that’s hard to come by. Their work, especially in auditing our DeFi SDK smart contracts, consistently exceeds expectations and aligns closely with our business objectives. Their suggested solutions are not just effective but also tailored to our long-term goals.

Evgeny Yurtaev
CEO & co-founder at Zerion

Working with Pessimistic is seamless and enjoyable. Clear communication, timely deliverables, and unquestionable expertise. Highly recommended.

Mikhail Melnik
Lead Blockchain Developer at 1inch

We've had the pleasure of working with Pessimistic since 2021, and their integrity and consistency have truly impressed us.

Not only do they deliver on their promises, but they also maintain a high standard of work throughout the project.

It's a partnership we value and continue to interact with on a regular basis.

Dan Kaizer
Azuro Core-Contributor

Audit companies space can be pretty wild - there are loud names that provide sub-par services and there are ones that take ages to finalize the reports (delaying the product launch!)

After running through an extended search quest, we made the right decision to go with Pessimistic. Quality, responsiveness, vibe - everything was great. 

They walk an extra mile to make you confident everything is going to work as it should!

Ivan Kozlov
Resolv Labs Co-founder

explore OUR successful blockchain protocol audits with positive reviews from our clients

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Our Professionals

These are our distinguished experts in blockchain technology and security
Senior Security Engineer
Security Engineer
Senior Security Engineer
Security Engineer
Operations Lead
We’re also skilled enough to teach the new generation of professional auditors that’ll help blockchain protocols operate securely and efficiently.
Our Junior program instils valuable auditing skills in interested learners.


A smart contract audit is necessary to identify security vulnerabilities in your contract and get recommendations on fixing them. It helps you avoid deploying insecure contracts to the public, which can cause havoc if malicious actors target your contract. Every blockchain project needs an audit before public deployment and further audits after major code changes.

You should consider a smart contract security audit before public deployment. Your contract must be audited for security risks before deploying it live on a blockchain. Otherwise, you could deploy contracts with security bugs hackers can exploit to steal user funds.

You should also consider an audit each time you make major changes to your smart contract’s codebase. Subsequent audits help identify vulnerabilities that might have been introduced because of the code changes.

Your smart contract audit cost depends on various factors, including the codebase size and your contract’s features.

Our formula for estimating audit costs is the Number of lines of code / 200 * 1.5 * the cost of one working day of the team.

Our pricing estimate is usually accurate and doesn’t deviate from the final bill by 10%. Don’t hesitate to contact us to receive a quote.

Smart contract audit consulting can take anywhere from one week to several months. The timing depends on the codebase size and complexity. A simple token contract can be audited within a week, while a full-fledged decentralized exchange can take multiple weeks.

The time primarily depends on the type of blockchain contract you’re auditing. The good news is that based on your requirements, we can predict how long an audit will take. If you’re working on a tight schedule, we can move your project to the priority track and start working on it as soon as possible.

It’s technically possible to conduct a smart contract audit yourself. However, it’s wise to leave this task to specialists like Pessimistic. Auditing companies have significant expertise in reviewing smart contracts for vulnerabilities.

Instead of conducting an audit yourself, it’s better to hand over the task to a smart contract audit firm that rigorously examines your code to point out flaws and suggest improvements.

No smart contract audit and development service can provide a 100% guarantee regarding security risks. The blockchain sector moves rapidly, and different kinds of risks continually arise.

An audit isn’t a 100% guarantee that your smart contract is free from errors. However, it ensures your smart contract is compliant with industry security standards before deployment.

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