Secure your blockchain applications with our expert vCISO service, offering comprehensive security audits, real-time threat monitoring, and incident response, seamlessly integrated with your team

What is vCISO?

Enhance your blockchain security with our vCISO service. Avoid the high costs and complexities of hiring a full-time security officer. Our vCISO provides security audits, real-time threat monitoring, incident response plans, and team training. Seamlessly integrated with your team, we deliver top-tier security solutions. Trusted by leading blockchain projects, we keep your protocol secure so you can focus on engineering and innovation.

What does the vCISO service consist of?

We analyze the complete business and technical situation of your protocol. Based on this analysis and your security budget expectations, we identify the necessary measures and services required for your protocol's current stage.

What does the vCISO service consist of?

We connect you with the right partners through well-established and tested communication channels, minimizing the time spent on discussions, clarifications, and operational matters. This includes services such as code assessments (audits), formal verification, fuzzing, unit testing, bug bounty programs, contest programs, and pentests.

What does the vCISO service consist of?

Within the agreed timeframe, we develop customized guidelines and verification manuals tailored to your needs. These resources are designed to help you independently avoid most organizational and user-related risks and align future work with your business goals and objectives.

What does the vCISO service consist of?

We prepare detailed public and private reports on the work performed, including KPI data and actions taken, so you can track the results of our efforts and those of our partners.

User benefits

Detectors are used for two purposes: to prevent the occurrence of security vulnerabilities and to speed up the process of writing quality code. According to our research, the original utility detectors — Slither and our Slitherin detectors, collectively cover 15% of standard EVM vulnerabilities.

Integration detectors can identify up to 100% of problems related to the integrated protocol. Using detectors during development or audit speeds up both processes 18 times compared to similar manual verification/development processes.

Why do you need vCISO?

The biggest struggle in the blockchain industry is the ongoing number of exploits, hacks, and scams that hinder the important growth and adoption of blockchain and cryptographic technologies. In our opinion, these issues stem from untrained and unstandardized engineering workflows that have missed many gaps—gaps that have been addressed for years in traditional cybersecurity.

While providing security reviews for teams like Lido, Morpho, Fluence, 1inch, Azuro, Tornado Cash, and others, we realized that assessments alone are not enough. We need to implement full-scale security measures as soon as possible.

We believe that by combining traditional standards with advanced security practices and our existing tech stack, we can provide our customers and partners with robust protection, ensuring their continued success and growth.

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